


Historian, Politician and Poet.

Thomas Babington Macaulay – A History of England from the Accession of James II

Thomas Babington Macaulay - 19th century politician, poet, historian and essayist.

Read more about Thomas Babington Macaulay in his Wikipedia entry

and share some of the Macaulay joy in this article: Confessions of a Macaulay fan

This page exists to track the progress of the audio project underway to record the entirety of Thomas Babington Macaulay's epic 'History of England'. The completed project will be placed in the public domain.

Macaulay's text is available in several places throughout the web but we are using the text which is available at Gutenberg.org.
History of England, Volume 1
History of England, Volume 2
History of England, Volume 3
History of England, Volume 4
History of England, Volume 5

Macaulay's prose is a thing of beauty. It is delightful to read and similarly delightful to listen to. It is, however, an extremely lengthy work and we will need as many volunteers as possible if we are ever able to commit it all to digital audio. There is a link to the Librivox site here where you can register as a volunteer and either read some chapters for us or help out as proof listeners

Download completed chapters here Catalog Menu Page

Links to the chapters under progress are shown below.
These will be updated as they are completed. If you can help at all then either get in touch with me, jim, here at umor.co.uk or log on to Librivox.org and have a look around to see how you could contribute.

Chapter 7 In Progress

Chapter 9 In Progress

Chapter 10 In Progress

Thomas Babington Macaulay's History of England was the most read history book in England (and many other countries) during the 19th century but seems to have fallen out of favour during recent times. Modern historians tend to adopt a far more neutral facade but Macaulay makes his feelings quite plain to the reader. He does make some serious attempts to show different sides of a story and his honesty and sincerity often shine through in his prose. There are some excellent web sites which will hopefully tell you much more than I possibly can regarding the life and times and works of Thomas Babington Macaulay. There is a link to Wikipedia higher up the page and a few here.

The Victorian Web

San Antonio's Macaulay page

Macaulay at the National Portrait Gallery

Macaulay biography at 1911 encyclopedia